I’ve Tested Dozens of Psoriasis Products While Traveling—Here’s What’s Worked Best for Me
Traveling with psoriasis can be a tricky affair. The stress and routine disruption that comes with travel can quickly cause a flare-up, which in turn causes more stress, and the cycle continues. Scratching a persistently itchy scalp or trying to hide a scaly flare-up is no way to spend a vacation, which is why I’ve spent years trying to find the best skincare products and mindset practices to soothe my psoriasis before—and during—my travels.
I’ve had psoriasis for most of my adult life and have personally vetted dozens of psoriasis treatments over the past decade of traveling for work and pleasure. Fortunately, my heavily researched and streamlined approach to my on-the-go skincare routine has helped me feel more confident and comfortable abroad—even when I’m vacationing with a nasty flare-up.
While traveling with psoriasis is not always easy, committing to a skincare plan before takeoff will make taking care of your skin a much less stress-inducing affair. Below, I’ve outlined my personal skin-focused packing list, along with expert-approved tips and tricks from a handful of board-certified dermatologists, all designed to make traveling with psoriasis more manageable.
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